Exceptional Local Auction

Royal Canadian Legion 43 Queen Street

St. Stephen, NB


Saturday, January 9th
View 10:00 am – 11:00 pm  Sale 11:00 am 

Another fine auction including both fine pieces of modern and antique furniture, a large collection of glass and china including royalty, Wedgewood, Irish Belleek, Nippon, and Limoges fancies; some nice pieces cut crystal figurines; paintings and prints; carpets; Antique collection of knives and a nice old sword; bot antique and new jewelry and the new items have gemologist appraisals with them; lamps; linens; Swedish art glass; and just so much more including a Fredericton Condo lot which we have not seen in time for this ad, so come expecting many additional pieces.

Admission $3/ person

Face masks to be worn and social distancing rules to be applied.